INEX 2011 Books and Social Search Track
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INEX 2011 Book Track

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Evaluation results for the Social Search for Best Books task

The evaluation results shown below are based on the official INEX 2011 SB topic set, consisting of 211 topics from the LibraryThing discussion groups. There are two separate sets of relevance judgements. The first set is derived from the suggestions from members of the discussion groups (identified by LT Touchstones). The second set is based on judgements from Amazon Mechanical Turk for 24 out of the 211 topics

These are the two official Qrels sets:

  1. inexSB2011.LT.qrels.official: Qrels derived from the books recommended on the LibraryThing discussion threads of 211 topics. Each recommended book is considered relevant to the requested topic.
  2. inexSB2011.AMT.qrels.official: Qrels derived from the Mechanical Turk relevance judgements, for 24 of the 211 topics. The 24 topics are a mix of 12 topics on fiction books and 12 topics on non-fiction books. The top 10 results of all official runs were pooled (after duplicate removal by mapping ISBNs to LibraryThing work IDs). Each book is judged by 3 Mechanical Turk workers. The relevance value is binary and is based on the majority vote of the workers.
Both Qrels sets use the LibraryThing work IDs as document IDs. For evaluation the ISBNs in the submitted runs are mapped to LT work IDs as well, with the highest ranked ISBN being mapped to the work ID and lower ranked ISBNs mapped to the same ID removed from the results list.

Deduplication: mapping ISBNs to LibraryThing work IDs

Evaluation using LT-forum recommendations:

Qrels: inexSB2011.LT.qrels.official

p4-inex2011SB.xml_social.fb.10.50 0.3101 0.2071 0.4811 0.2283 0.2991 0.1991 0.4731 0.1945
p4-inex2011SB.xml_social 0.2913 0.1910 0.4661 0.2115
p4-inex2011SB.xml_full.fb.10.50 0.2853 0.1858 0.4453 0.2051
p54-run2.all-topic-fields.all-doc-fields 0.2843 0.1910 0.4567 0.2035
p62.recommandation 0.2710 0.1900 0.4250 0.1770 0.2643 0.1858 0.4195 0.1661
p62.sdm-reviews-combine 0.2618 0.1749 0.4361 0.1755
p62.baseline-sdm 0.2536 0.1697 0.3962 0.1815
p62.baseline-tags-browsenode 0.2534 0.1687 0.3877 0.1884
p4-inex2011SB.xml_full 0.2523 0.1649 0.4062 0.1825
p4-inex2011SB.xml_amazon 0.2411 0.1536 0.3939 0.1722
p62.sdm-wiki 0.1953 0.1332 0.3017 0.1404
p62.sdm-wiki-anchors 0.1724 0.1199 0.2720 0.1253
p4-inex2011SB.xml_lt 0.1592 0.1052 0.2695 0.1199
p18.UPF_QE_group_BTT02 0.1531 0.0995 0.2478 0.1223
p18.UPF_QE_genregroup_BTT02 0.1327 0.0934 0.2283 0.1001
p18.UPF_QEGr_BTT02_RM 0.1291 0.0872 0.2183 0.0973
p18.UPF_base_BTT02 0.1281 0.0863 0.2135 0.1018
p18.UPF_QE_genre_BTT02 0.1214 0.0844 0.2089 0.0910
p18.UPF_base_BT02 0.1202 0.0796 0.2039 0.1048
p54-run1.title.all-doc-fields 0.1129 0.0801 0.1982 0.0868

Precision-recall curves, best system per group:

P-R curve

Precision-recall curves, all systems:

P-R curve

Evaluation using Amazon Mechanical Turk judgements

Qrels: inexSB2011.AMT.qrels.official

The results below are based on 24 of the 211 topics, with relevance judgements from Amazon Mechanical Turk, based on pools of the top 10 results of all official runs.

p62.baseline-sdm 0.6092 0.5875 0.7794 0.3896
p4-inex2011SB.xml_amazon 0.6055 0.5792 0.7940 0.3500
p62.baseline-tags-browsenode 0.6012 0.5708 0.7779 0.3996
p4-inex2011SB.xml_full 0.6011 0.5708 0.7798 0.3818
p4-inex2011SB.xml_full.fb.10.50 0.5929 0.5500 0.8075 0.3898
p62.sdm-reviews-combine 0.5654 0.5208 0.7584 0.2781
p4-inex2011SB.xml_social 0.5464 0.5167 0.7031 0.3486
p4-inex2011SB.xml_social.fb.10.50 0.5425 0.5042 0.7210 0.3261
p54-run2.all-topic-fields.all-doc-fields 0.5415 0.4625 0.8535 0.3223 0.5207 0.4708 0.7779 0.2515
p62.recommandation 0.5027 0.4583 0.7598 0.2804 0.5009 0.4292 0.8049 0.2331
p62.sdm-wiki 0.4862 0.4458 0.6886 0.3056
p18.UPF_base_BTT02 0.4718 0.4750 0.6276 0.3269
p18.UPF_QE_group_BTT02 0.4546 0.4417 0.6128 0.3061
p18.UPF_QEGr_BTT02_RM 0.4516 0.4375 0.6128 0.2967
p54-run1.title.all-doc-fields 0.4508 0.4333 0.6600 0.2517
p18.UPF_base_BT02 0.4393 0.4292 0.6236 0.3108
p62.sdm-wiki-anchors 0.4387 0.3917 0.6445 0.2778
p18.UPF_QE_genre_BTT02 0.4353 0.4375 0.5542 0.2763
p4-inex2011SB.xml_lt 0.3949 0.3583 0.6495 0.2199
p18.UPF_QE_genregroup_BTT02 0.3838 0.3625 0.5966 0.2478

Evaluation using judgements from LibraryThing recommendations for 24 topics selected for AMT

Qrels: inexSB2011.LT.AMT_selected.qrels.official

The results below are based on 24 of the 211 topics, with relevance judgements from Amazon Mechanical Turk, based on pools of the top 10 results of all official runs.

p4-inex2011SB.xml_social.fb.10.50 0.3039 0.2120 0.5339 0.1994
p54-run2.all-topic-fields.all-doc-fields 0.2977 0.1940 0.5225 0.2113
p4-inex2011SB.xml_social 0.2868 0.1980 0.5062 0.1873 0.2601 0.1940 0.4758 0.1515
p4-inex2011SB.xml_full.fb.10.50 0.2323 0.1580 0.4450 0.1579
p62.recommandation 0.2309 0.1720 0.4126 0.1415 0.2134 0.1720 0.3654 0.1261
p62.sdm-reviews-combine 0.2080 0.1500 0.4048 0.1352
p4-inex2011SB.xml_full 0.2037 0.1460 0.3708 0.1349
p62.baseline-sdm 0.2012 0.1440 0.3671 0.1328
p62.baseline-tags-browsenode 0.1957 0.1300 0.3575 0.1395
p4-inex2011SB.xml_amazon 0.1865 0.1340 0.3651 0.1261
p62.sdm-wiki 0.1575 0.1120 0.2849 0.1090
p4-inex2011SB.xml_lt 0.1550 0.0960 0.3057 0.0994
p62.sdm-wiki-anchors 0.1331 0.0940 0.2497 0.0930
p18.UPF_QE_group_BTT02 0.1073 0.0720 0.2133 0.0850
p18.UPF_QE_genregroup_BTT02 0.0984 0.0660 0.1956 0.0743
p18.UPF_base_BT02 0.0942 0.0540 0.1988 0.0823
p18.UPF_QEGr_BTT02_RM 0.0912 0.0620 0.1915 0.0660
p54-run1.title.all-doc-fields 0.0907 0.0680 0.1941 0.0607
p18.UPF_base_BTT02 0.0808 0.0500 0.1570 0.0688
p18.UPF_QE_genre_BTT02 0.0775 0.0580 0.1440 0.0611

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